Expat Counselling - Neutral, Reliable, and Confidential - Online counselling of highly qualified international students and professionals




Most common Mental health challenges among expats

Presentation based of university research and proprietary database in the field of international expatriation.

Evaluation 95% exceeding expectations - ISCA Hybrid Conference 2023

HOw to Support your Child Transitioning to a new School and country

Year-Wheel on the expected challenges and positive experiences during the first year. Tips and tools on how to support yourself and your child

Evaluation Danes Worldwide participant - “Super useful Thank you!”


Border conflict - War in Ukraine

How the war in Ukraine impacted the international business community

Evaluation - “It was a very interesting presentation, thanks a lot :-)” Annette Aagaard Thuesen, PhD, Associated Professor at Danish Centre for Rual Research

Mediation and Simulation

Mediation as a conflict resolution tool when implementing DEIJ in organisations

Fantastic presentation- I feel much more equipped to lead mediations. ISCA participant Athen Conference 2024